PTM-001: glycan targeting antibody for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)/Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
PTM-001 specifically binds to the inflamed colonic epithelium in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Colitis patient samples. There is no significant PTM-001 staining on the disease adjacent normal tissue in the same patient samples.
PTM-001 targeted glycan epitope is found on human and mouse intestinal epithelial tissue
Due to the ability of PTM-001 to bind to mouse tissue, PTM-001 was used in DSS induced mouse colitis models
In the 8 day DSS studies, PTM-001 was found to be efficacious and well tolerated (10mg/kg dose administered via an i.p. injection)
PTM-001 treated mice had more normal intestinal morphology when compared to IgG treated mice (IgG treated mice demonstrated severe erosion/loss of intestinal epithelium)
PTM-001 treated mice had less severe weight loss and lower disease activity index (DAI) scores when compared to IgG treated mice
The improvement or preservation of intestinal morphology and histology in PTM-001 treated animals suggests PTM-001 mechanism of action to be based in mucosal epithelial repair/restitution
This is an area of IBD treatment that has not been extensively explored
Table modified from Berinstein J.A., et al., Practical Gastroenterology, April 2019, Vol. XLIII No. 4, 24-62